SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE - Team Registrations are OPEN! and will close FRIDAY APRIL 12

23 Mar by Chris (Chridder) Upson

Here at Carine Cats we had one team compete in Winter Slam last year and it was great to have a mixed team full of family and friends that you ordinarily wouldn’t have a chance to play with in the same team.
Have a chat with your mates and maybe register a team or two!

Welcome to the newest competition from Softball WA


The new Slowpitch Softball League will take place at Mirrabooka Softball Complex on Tuesday nights during Winter. Beginning in late April, through to mid-late July.

Slowpitch has been taking over the USA for years, and we are very excited to bring it to WA! After the success of the Winter Slam, we have decided to expand the slowpitch variation of the game to a full league format!

The competition is built for all ages 14+, with mixed-gender teams, and more runs!

Team Registrations are now OPEN! and will close FRIDAY APRIL 12 so get in quick!

Register your team through this link!

Ground rules & Guidelines are still to be fine-tuned, but please view this link to find out what to expect!…/2024-slowpitch…

Team nomination forms will be sent out to teams who have completed the “Team Registration”, once these are complete please send to ">*

Join up and have fun.

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